Best Month Ever!
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¡El mejor mes de todos!

Best Month Ever! is an emotional narrative adventure game that takes players on a road trip through late 1960s USA with Louise, a single mother, and her son Mitch. As players make choices throughout the journey, they influence Mitch's development and shape the outcome of the story. Here's an overview of the game and its system requirements:


Game Overview:

Genre: Narrative adventure, emotional journey.


Storyline: Join Louise and her son Mitch on a road trip across the USA during the late 1960s. Navigate the challenges of parenthood, tackle pivotal decisions, and explore the tumultuous social and cultural landscape of the era.


Key Features:

Influence Mitch's development through your dialogue and actions, affecting his righteousness, confidence, and relations.


Experience a branching narrative with 9 unique endings based on your choices.


Engage in quick-time events that test your reflexes and add excitement to the gameplay.


Meet a diverse cast of characters across the country, each with their own stories and perspectives.


Enjoy a stylized art style that captures the essence of the 1960s era.



The game features a rich soundtrack with 29 original songs composed by Jędrzej Bączyk (Pan Jędras), spanning folk, country, and jazz-inspired melodies that enhance the narrative journey.


System Requirements

OS: Windows 10

Processor: Intel i5-4570 or equivalent

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent

Storage: 20 GB available space



OS: Windows 10

Processor: Intel i5-4570 3.2 GHz or equivalent

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 or equivalent

Storage: 20 GB available space



 "Best Month Ever!" offers a deep narrative experience set against the backdrop of the 1960s, exploring themes of parenthood, personal growth, and societal change. Players' choices directly impact the characters' journey and ultimately determine the outcome of Mitch's development and the story's conclusion. With its captivating narrative, stylized artwork, and evocative soundtrack, the game promises an immersive journey through a pivotal era in American history.

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